It Is Our Earth, Yours and Mine.

“I don’t know if any of you have noticed, early in the morning, the sunlight on the waters. How extraordinarily soft is the light, and how the dark waters dance, with the morning stars over the trees, the only star in the sky. Do you ever notice any of that? Or are you so busy, so occupied with the daily routine, that you forget or have never known the rich beauty of this earth—this earth on which all of us have to live? Whether we call ourselves communists or capitalists, Hindus or Buddhists, Muslims or Christians, whether we are blind, lame, or well and happy, this earth is ours. It is our earth, not somebody else’s; it is not only the rich man’s earth, it does not belong exclusively to the powerful rulers, to the nobles of the land, but it is our earth, yours and mine. We are nobodies, yet we also live on this earth and we all have to live together. It is the world of the poor as well as of the rich, of the unlettered as well as of the learned; it is our world, and I think it is very important to feel this and to love the earth, not just occasionally on a peaceful morning, but all the time.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti

Photo of sky with buildings by Gabriela. Photo of mountains taken from

“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”

Quote by: Rumi
Our body is made up of various molecules and atoms. But where did these come from? And how were they made?  How much of the human body is made up of stardust?
‘Since stardust atoms are the heavier elements, the percentage of star mass in our body is much more impressive. Most of the hydrogen in our body floats around in the form of water. The human body is about 60% water and hydrogen only accounts for 11% of that water mass. Even though water consists of two hydrogen atoms for every oxygen, hydrogen has much less mass. We can conclude that 93% of the mass in our body is stardust.’ – excerpt from article found at

‘To confront a person with his shadow is to show him his own light"

“To confront a person with his shadow is to show him his own light. Once one has experienced a few times what it is like to stand judgingly between the opposites, one begins to understand what is meant by the self. Anyone who perceives his shadow and his light simultaneously sees himself from two sides and thus gets in the middle.” – “Good and Evil in Analytical Psychology” (1959) Carl Jung

“We carry our past with us, to wit, the primitive and inferior man with his desires and emotions, and it is only with an enormous effort that we can detach ourselves from this burden. If it comes to a neurosis, we invariably have to deal with a considerably intensified shadow. And if such a person wants to be cured it is necessary to find a way in which his conscious personality and his shadow can live together.” – “Answer to Job” (1952) Carl Jung

‘Red sky at night, sailors’ delight’

“You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing, and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life.”
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Photos from Wednesday night (balcony view) Enjoy!

How do we see ourselves?

Suffering that exists in this world is not something that we must go though. But as it is there, one must understand it and go beyond it. A mind that is incapable of suffering is religious in the true sense of the word. It becomes a passionate mind. A mind that is hurt, is not an innocent mind. An innocent mind is incapable of being hurt. From Latin innocent meaning ‘not harming’. But the word has been misused.
From childhood, parents compare their child with another child. When we compare, we are hurting our child, yet we do it! Is it possible to educate a child without comparison, without images, so the child can never be hurt in that way? One is hurt because one has built an image about oneself. It’s like placing a wall between you and others and if others extend upon that wall, you get hurt. A child can identify with a name, it does not need an image. Through education, through tradition, through propaganda, we have built an image of ourselves based on what others say. Can a child ever be educated to never get hurt? Professors and scholars say, a child must get hurt in order to live on the world. But when they are asked if they ever want their child to get hurt, they are silent.
Through education and the social structure of our society in which we live, we have been hurt. We have images about ourselves, made by comparison, which are inevitably going to be hurt. Is it possible to be rid of the image that has been created of ourselves and never to create one again?

Our higher mind is free of images and conditioning. Imagination is the key in the alignment of our physical and higher mind. It cannot be hurt. ‘I’ ‘magi’ ‘nation’ – we are a nation of magicians. Imagination is a powerful tool that can be used to allow and create the changes we prefer to create within our lives individually and/or collectively, globally.
Our imagination is the conduit between our physical and higher mind, through which our higher mind communicates with us in ways which are more reflective of our passion, our excitement and preference. If you are willing to use your imagination without filtering the communication from your higher mind through belief systems that contain fear (such as the image of ourselves placed by others of who we are and what our limited capabilities are), then you will find that the outcome can always be a positive one and you can always amplify and magnify that in any direction and area of your life. The higher mind can see all the pathways or possibilities we can take in life and it guides you towards the path of least resistance – the path that is most truly you. By following your excitement and true passion, you will always be completely and purely on the path that is most truly you – your core true natural self.
– excerpts from 2 videos, one with Jiddu Krishnamurti and the other on Imagination by Bashar. (see links below)
Video sources:

They are closely interconnected and interdependent

Currently re-reading ‘The Turning Point’ by Fritjof Capra, a must -read! Here’s an excerpt from chapter one:
‘It is a striking sign of our time that the people who are supposed to be experts in various fields can no longer deal with the urgent problems that have arisen in the areas of their expertise. Economists are unable to understand inflation, oncologists are totally confused about the causes of cancer, psychiatrists are mystified by schizophrenia, police are helpless in the face of rising crime, and the list goes on… the persistence of slums, poverty and crime.
None of them, however, identified the real problem that underlies our crisis of ideas: the fact that most academics subscribe to narrow perceptions of reality which are inadequate for dealing with the major problems of our time. These problems, as we shall see in detail, are systematic problems, which means that they are closely interconnected and interdependent. They cannot be understood within the fragmented methodology characteristic of our academic disciplines and government agencies.
Such an approach will never resolve any of our difficulties but will merely shift them around in the complex web of social and ecological relations. A resolution can be found only if the structure of the web itself changed, and this will involve profound transformations of our social institutions, values, and ideas. As we examine the sources of our cultural crisis it will become apparent that most of our leading thinkers are outdated conceptual models and irrelevant variables.’
– excerpt from ‘The Turning Point‘ copyright © 1982

Photo by: Manolo Vílchez

"The landscape belongs to the person who looks at it. "

Quote by: Ralph Waldo Emerson

BLOG UPDATES: Our Earth Land Blog will be going through some minor changes in the next few months … stay tuned! I apologize for the lack of posts.

Above: Photos taken at Lakeshore Toronto (Winter 2015)

New Worlds

“Ending secrecy is going to be a very difficult ride. It wont be fun in a lot of ways because there’s a lot of invested interest in keeping it that way, as we can all see. And nevertheless, it has to happen. No matter how many times the powers that be tell us there’s nothing there, it keeps showing up. The UFO lies has done bad things to the soul of the world. Think about it. You have this big big reality of whoever these beings are, whatever they are. They have technology that is so vastly beyond what we’re supposed to have, and yet we tell ourselves every single day that this doesn’t exist. There’s a dissonance there, a cognitive dissonance.” – Richard Dolan
 “In very different ways, the possibility that the universe is teeming with life, and the opposite possibility that we are totally alone, are equally exciting. Either way, the urge to know more about the universe seems to me irresistible, and I cannot imagine that anybody of truly poetic sensibility could disagree.” – Richard Dawkins

A.D. (after Declaration) by Richard Dolan 
abc News latest UFO sightings
UFO Witness Declaration

The Big Bang

Existence is not subject to time. Time is subject to existence. Time is a creation within existence, therefore existence itself is timeless.
Using an analogy, imagine a subatomic particle (the one) in an empty infinite space. But in this state that we call ‘the one’, there’s no reflectivity and no self awareness. It doesn’t know itself. It has nothing else to relate to. So there really is no gravity, no sense of mass, no sense of space or time. It just exists as a point of pure existence.
But because it does contains everything, it also contains the idea of that which it’s not. This creates the first separation, the first difference, the first reflection that it is capable of doing anything and everything imaginable. In other words, it can travel at infinite speed. Nothing holds it back. There are no laws of physics – yet.
If you understand that the single particle can travel throughout that empty infinite space at infinite speed, then that means that particle can actually appear to be everywhere at once. Thus it can appear to be an infinite number of particles, even though it’s actually only one!
Source: Gravity, Prime RadiantBig Bang, Prime Radiant
The Prime Radiant story

Image by Gabriela © Our Earth Land

Your Heart Has Wisdom

‘It doesn’t need to be more complicated than just listening to your heart and following it. Because your heart has memory. Your heart has wisdom. Your heart has consciousness. Your heart actually thinks. And when you can develop a balanced dialogue between the heart mind and the head mind, that’s when everything falls into alignment. The head needs to take it’s queue from the heart, not contradict it and try to run everything… the heart is in the center of your being for a reason, not the head.’ – Bashar

image by Gabriela © 2014