Strawberries and Cherries For June

What’s in season in Ontario for June? Strawberries and cherries! Strawberries and cherries (amongst others) are fruits that have the most magnetics and astringents. Magnetism heals the human body. The Earth is one of the largest natural sources of magnetic wave energy. The body’s magnetism comes from the earth’s own magnetic field and from the magnetism produced through metabolism. Astringents are substances of a chemical compound that has a ‘binding’ action on tissue, that result in wound healing and conditions of the digestive system. They are used as remedies. During the summer we try to eat 90- 100% raw. We have started off our summer enjoying some local organic strawberries and cherries. They help hydrate the body and provide nutrition to feed the blood and cure ‘disease’.

Benefits of Bentonite Clay

Bentonite Clay is composed of weathered and aged volcanic ash, and is one of the most effective and powerful healing clays available! It is safe to consume and can be taken internally or externally (as a poultice or bath) to detoxify the body. Bentonite Clay has a strong negative ionic charge that attracts things that have a positive charge, such as heavy metals, toxins, harmful bacteria, pesticides, and other pathogens. The clay simply binds with these toxins and exits through the colon and the kidneys! It is a simple and effective way to clean our bodies and cure disease. It can also be used as personal hygiene for your skin, teeth and hair! 
We recently purchased some liquid Bentonite Clay that we’ll be taking internally in order to continue cleansing our digestive system. We will post our results in about a month or so. 

Image taken from

The Benefits of Barley Miso Soup

In Japan, those affected by radiation sickness from the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, were treated with miso soup. Miso neutralizes toxins and alkalizes the blood. It contains an excellent source of digestive enzymes, probiotics, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals! We wanted to make miso paste from scratch but were uncertain about the exact process of fermenting. We decided to purchase some barley miso paste for now, until we can learn how to ferment it ourselves. Miso soup is very healthy and tasty! See our simple recipe below. For more information on miso and radiation sickness click here.

Barley Miso Soup Recipe 
Serves 2-4 
∙ 4 cups of spring water 
∙ 2 organic leek leaves 
∙ 1 organic carrot 
∙ 1 organic celery stalk 
∙ 2 tbsp of organic ginger root (minced)
∙ 2 pieces of organic kelp   
∙ 2 tbsp of organic coconut oil 
∙ 4-6 tbsp of organic barley miso paste  (MAY CONTAIN GLUTEN – use gluten free miso if you have diet restrictions)
∙ sea salt (optional) 
∙ organic black pepper 
1. Bring 4 cups of water to a boil and then turn down heat to medium-low. 
2. Chop leek, carrot and celery. Then add to water with ginger and simmer for about 15-20 minutes (this will be your broth). 
3. Cut kelp in small pieces and set aside. 
4. Chop leeks. Set aside. 
5. Once broth is made, turn off heat and pour broth into a large mixing bowl (drain and discard vegetables while pouring). 
6. Let broth sit for 2 minutes, then add the barley miso paste in portions, while stirring. The broth water should not be boiling hot when you add the barley miso paste.  
7. Add kelp and leeks to broth and continue stirring until miso paste has completely dissolved. 
8. Add salt and pepper to taste. 
9. Serve in 2 bowls. 
10. Enjoy!

Fruits 4 Your Heart

Heart disease is not genetics. We love having our daily enzymes for their taste and health benefits! Check out previous posts on the benefits of fruits such as oranges, bananas, strawberries and apples.
Below: Yummy strawberry, apple, orange and banana smoothie – all organic and good for your heart.

Butterflies, Ice-cream and Strawberries

Today was the first warm day in a little while. It’s been a chilly Spring here in Toronto. We wasted no time to celebrate and take in some sun at the local park. Below: Butterflies, Home made Coconut Pistachio Ice-cream sprinkled with fresh cinnamon and Homemade Strawberry Frozen Yogurt (it’s not really yogurt but it tastes like yogurt). Both recipes are sugar-free, dairy-free and enzyme activated! We love ice-cream and yogurt and wanted to experiment with dairy-free treats. It was a success thanks to our key ingredients, bananas and coconut milk! Coconuts are highly nutritious and rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are used in modern medicine to kill viruses that cause influenza, herpes, measles, hepatitis C, SARS, AIDS, and to kill bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, gum disease and cavities, pneumonia and other diseases!

Jam Goodness

Sweet Strawberry Jam that we made two days ago, raw with active enzymes and unheated! Strawberries contain heart healthy nutrients such as fiber, Vitamin C, potassium and folate. They are among the top three fresh fruits that provide a healthy antioxidant boost. Strawberries pack 10% of our daily iodine needs. One cup of fresh organic strawberries has approximately 13/mcg of iodine. It is important to have a sufficient amount of iodine in the body, so you don’t take on radioactive iodine that may be present in the environment.